Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Beautiful islands


The exotic sounding Kauai or Kauai, dialect is the oldest of the main hawaiian island. With an area of1,456.4 km2 it is the fourth largest of the main island in the Hawaiian archipelago and the 21st largest island in the United States. This island in the site of Waimea Canyon is often referred to as ‘the Grand Canyon of the pacific’.
Kauai’s origins are volcanic.the highest peak on this mountainous island is kawaikini at 1,598 m. the island is one of the wettest sports on the earth, with an annual average rainfall of 1,200 cm. the high annual rainfall has eroded deep valleys in the central mountain, carving out canyons with many scenic waterfalls
During the reign of king Kamehameha, the islands of Kauai and ni@ihui were the last hwaiian island to join his kingdom of Hawaii. Their ruler, kaumualii, resisted Kamehameha for years. King Kamehameha twise prepared a huge armada of ships and canoes to take the island by force and twice failed; once due to storm, and once due to an epidemic. In the face of the threat of a further INVASION, HOWEVER, KAUmualii decided to join the kingdom without bloodshed, and became Kamehameha’s vassal in 1810, ceding the island to the kingdom of hawii upon his death in 1824.
There is no meaning behind the name of Kauai.native Hawaiian tradition indicates the name’s origin in the legend of hawaiiloa —the Polynesian navigator attributed with discovery of the Hawaiian islands. the story relates how he named the island of kauai after a favorite son; there fore a possible translation of Kauai is “place around the neck “, meaning how a father would carry a favorite child

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